Top 10 reasons you need to focus on protein!

There is a lot of talk about protein lately. I consider protein as the “great stabilizer” that helps to regulate blood sugar, balance hormones and help with muscle repair. As we get older, our need for protein definitely increases (as estrogen declines!). In fact, guidelines recommend that women over 50 eat 0.45–0.55 grams of protein per pound (1–1.2 grams per kg) of body weight daily — or 20–25 grams of high-quality protein per meal.

If buying meats and budget allows, opt for grass fed beef, wild caught fish or organic meats.
Plant based options are also a terrific source of protein that do not cost as much and are great for the planet.

To eyeball, the palm of your hand (and the thickness of a deck of cards) is equivalent to 3 ounces of protein.

What are my top 10 reasons to eat protein as we age?

Muscle Mass – protein helps to prevent sarcopenia (age related muscle loss)

Metabolic rate – protein increases resting metabolic rate which helps with weight loss

Hormonal regulation – protein is involved in producing hormones that regulate metabolism, appetite and stress.

Blood sugar control– protein acts as the ”brake” to blood sugar and helps to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Immune system function – protein is essential for helping to create antibodies to keep your immune system strong.

Brain health – higher protein intake is associated with better cognitive function

Recovery and repair – protein is critical for muscle repair after exercise and to improve performance.

Skin, hair and nail health – Collagen protein plays a vital role in keeping skin elastic and hair and nails strong.

Longevity – Research shows that a higher muscle mass is linked to increased longevity and quality of life as we age.

Bone health – Adequate protein intake contributes to bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis as we age.

Often times it is tricky to get enough protein in your diet (especially if you are plant based). Here are a few great options.

I recommend leaning on a protein powder or collagen powder for an extra supplement (you can check out @organikahealth – link in my bio and use discount code JOEY25 )

Of all your meals – it is very important to start your day off with enough protein to help regulate your blood sugars. Here are my top 3 breakfast recommendations for you!

✨1/4 cup of chia seeds (7g of protein)
✨1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (20g of protein) – I use @genuinehealth vegan vanilla protein powder
✨1 scoop of collagen – 5g of protein I use @organikahealth
✨1 cup of almond milk (1 g of protein)
✨1/2 cup of raspberries or blueberries
✨1/2 tsp of maple syrup (optional)
✨1/2 tsp of vanilla extract

Place almond milk, protein powder, collagen, maple syrup and vanilla extract into a glass mason jar, put top on and shake until the protein powder is dissolved. Once dissolved, add chia seeds and half a cup of of the berries into the jar and stir well, mashing up the berries while stirring. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight for pudding to thicken. Remove from fridge when ready to eat, stir and enjoy!

✨2/3 cup of almond milk (1g of protein)
✨1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (20g)
✨1 scoop of chocolate collagen (8g)
✨1 medium frozen banana
✨1 tbsp of chia seeds (2.5g)
✨1 tbsp of natural peanut butter (4g)

Add all ingredients to blender. Blend on high and enjoy!

✨1 cup of Greek yogurt (20g of protein)
✨2 tbsp of chia seeds (5 g of protein)
✨1/2 cup of mixed berries
✨1 ounce of almonds (6 g of protein) Do you want my high protein breakfast guide? Comment highprotein below and I will send it to you! ?

  1. Debbie Dray says:

    High protein

  2. Christine Smith says:

    High protein

  3. G. Preston says:

    High protein

  4. Susan G says:

    High protein

  5. Pina Vescio says:

    High protein

  6. Pina says:

    High protein

  7. Geeta says:

    High protein please

  8. Stephanie says:

    High protein

  9. Franca Lalomia says:


  10. Lorrie says:

    High protein

  11. Heather says:

    High protein

  12. Darleen Tague says:

    High protein

  13. Kerstin Wallace says:


  14. Judy says:

    High protein

  15. Shawna says:

    High Protein

  16. Marie says:

    High protein breakfast, please.

  17. Joyce says:

    High Protein

  18. Vanda says:

    High protein please

  19. Jan Frain says:

    High protein

    Thank you so much for all you share with us ?

  20. Kay says:

    High protein

  21. Marilyn MacKenzie says:

    High protein please

  22. Robyn says:

    High Protein. Thanks!

  23. Sara Noto says:

    High protein

  24. Krista says:

    High protein ??

  25. Grace says:

    High protein

  26. Wanda says:

    High protein

  27. Carmen Deeb says:

    High protein

  28. Lorrie Frankland says:

    High protein

  29. Regina Menard says:

    High protein

  30. Maria says:

    High Protein

  31. Tina Benoit says:

    High Protein Breakfast Guide – please and thank you.

  32. Lorrie Frankland says:

    High protein breakfast guide please. Thank you

  33. Betty Ann Elliott says:

    High protein guide please

  34. Natalie Moodley says:

    High Protein

  35. Karen says:

    Why do the protein amounts differ in the tables for the same food, ie chia seeds and lentils?

  36. […] stabilizing blood sugar levels and keeping you feeling full longer. Aim to include 20-30 grams of protein in each of your major meals. Great sources include chicken, turkey, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, […]

  37. Anna Forletta says:

    High protein Please

  38. […] out proteins. Proteins balance blood sugars and keep you full. We do require more protein as we age -so opt for […]

  39. Shelley says:

    High Protein

  40. Melissa says:

    High protein

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