When I am working with a client, we start by focusing on what is in their control vs. out of their control. This is where nutrition and lifestyle hacks become so important. The quality and quantity of food you eat is in your control and can affect you physically, emotional, and spiritually. As nutritional pioneer Adele Davis once spoke, “We are indeed much more than we eat, but what we eat can help us become much more than who we are.”
In essence, when you clean up your diet, improve digestion and reduce inflammation – there is an enormous positive impact on your hormones (insulin and cortisol) and your neurotransmitters (serotonin – your “good feel “brain chemical). I cannot tell you the thousands of clients I have worked with who have changed their food and changed their lives. Whether it is achieving a better job, improving energy and vitality, discovering new relationships and connections – it is a thrill to see the transformations each time.
For 2025, whether you start small or start big -just start. Why? Because you are worth it! Check out the easy list below and pick one or two game changing health habits to begin. I promise you will soon feel and see the difference.
With enormous gratitude and love- wishing you happy holidays and a healthy New Year.

Dr. Joey’ s top 10 game changing health tips
- Drink 2-3 litres of water per day. Consider adding electrolytes to your water for hydration and an energy boost. Use discount code JOEY25 when ordering.
- Move and stretch daily. Even if it is only 10 minutes per day, your body wants to move!
- In addition to movement, as we age, we need to lift heavy things. Invest in weights and rubber bands for home if easier.
- Seek out proteins. Proteins balance blood sugars and keep you full. We do require more protein as we age -so opt for 20-30 grams per meal.
- Use the right supplements as a safety net. I have a “food first” approach but do lean on supplements to help fill in the gaps.
- Try a 12–14-hour intermittent fasting period per day to optimize digestion, reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.
- Eat as many plant foods as you can. Plant diversity has been shown to improve microbiome health (gut health).
- Eat probiotic and prebiotic rich food to support digestive health. Do not forget fibre! I do recommend supplementing with 1-2 tbsp of ground flaxseed per day.
- Pay attention to your body- eliminate foods that may cause irritation and inflammation (i.e. try a gluten free approach for 4 weeks to see how you feel).
- Whenever you can, drink cold pressed juices for their nutritive value. The more green drinks -the better!
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