Dr. Joey’s 50 tips for optimal aging!

This coming Monday is my birthday – I will be 53. As I get older, self care has begun to take top priority for me. A little more effort, more mindfulness and a few bio hacking techniques that really do help me feel my best. Simply put, there are a few “go-to” health principles that are so powerful – that when I follow them, I feel (and look) years younger. When I fall off the health wagon with these steps – I can instantly see and feel the difference.
So…because writing is one of my favourite things to do, I was inspired to review this list again and put together a “50 tips for optimal aging” list to identify some simple steps that can help you feel your best physically and emotionally.  Remember -consistency is always so much more important than extreme.

Do not be overwhelmed by this list -that is not the intention of it. Read this with curiosity and chose a few of the tips below that resonate and apply them to your life. In other words, do what you can in the season you find yourself in. Even with small consistent steps, you will soon notice a very positive result.

Are you ready? My 50 tips for living your best life as you age include:  

  1. Begin your day with a morning routine – stretching, journaling, gratitudes or meditation – it will change your entire day. I recommend waking up before anyone in your house for some restorative alone time. 
  2. Before eating, start the day with fresh lemon water – it is a natural way to cleanse the body.
  3. Drink 2-3 litres of water per day – it is a game changer for health. Consider adding electrolyte to your water (I use Organika pink lemonade flavour. You can use discount code JOEY25 when ordering).
  4. Supplement wisely (probiotic, collagen, omega 3, adrenal support etc.). For more information, you can visit my supplement store here (we will ship right to your door and all our high quality supplements are 10% off).
  5. Eat fresh herbs – dill, cilantro and basil all have immune boosting properties and make food taste delicious.
  6. Watch the amount of time you spend on social media and please stop comparing yourself to others – you are perfect just as you are. It is important to remember everyone has their wins and their battles.
  7. Wash and clean your face every night.
  8. When it is sunny out – put your eyes and face to the sun for 10 minutes.  
  9. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and use high quality, non toxic sunscreens. 
  10. Pay attention to signs that your gut is off – fatigue, brain fog, bloating, acid reflux, inability to lose weight. Always consult with a natural health care professional for help. It will be difficult for you to lose weight if we do not address your gut.
  11. Pack your lunch. 
  12. Eat healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds and eliminate unhealthy inflammatory oils such as safflower oil, sunflower oil and corn oil. 
  13. Use your words wisely – words (and thoughts) have power. 
  14. Hang out with a dog (hopefully your dog) as often as you can.  Rosie is pure relaxation to me!
  15. If you are having trouble losing weight – work with a health care professional and a plan that creates a permanent shift with food. For a free weight loss and health assessment, visit Shulman Health.
  16. Move your body every day and get outside as often as you can. 
  17. Do not eat grain past 7pm. 
  18. Whenever you can- opt for organic produce. You can also have your own garden in the summertime. Become familiar with the Environmental Working Groups list of the Dirty Dozen vs. the Clean 15.
  19. Pay attention to food sensitivities. We cannot tackle your health or weight properly if we do not deal with food sensitivities.  The first irritant I always eliminate is gluten.
  20. Make sure to make protein a priority. For women it is 4-6 ounces per meal, for men it is 5-7 ounces. For women over the age of 40, we need at minimum 100-130g of protein per day.
  21. Avoid refined sugar – it is inflammatory and can lower your immune response. 
  22. Avoid processed flours -they are also inflammatory and can lead to weight gain. 
  23. Enjoy a modest amount of whole grains in your diet. 
  24. Always focus on root cause – always.
  25. Watch your stress levels. When anxiety or stress begins to rise – have a “go to” mantra or meditation (I would highly recommend the Gupta program). 
  26. Eat fruit – I promise – it will not make you gain weight! Berries, apples, oranges, bananas and kiwis are rich in anti-oxidants. 
  27. Eat an abundant amount of plant based foods – the more the merrier for gut health. 
  28. Dance – dance like no one is watching – even if it is just in your kitchen while cleaning the dishes. 
  29. Become very aware of your skin care products and switch to natural options. I suggestion Dime Beauty, and Pure and Simple (holistic vanity products are also excellent). You can use discount code Joeys20 when ordering Dime Beauty. It is important to try to lower your chemical and toxic exposure however you can.
  30. Become very aware of your cleaning products- I would recommend Seventh Generation, EcoMax o Mrs. Meyers.
  31. Even though it can feel hard to do – cold water shower or bath – it changes your mood and energy instantly. You can start with a hot shower and do 30 seconds of cold at the end. 
  32. Read -read as many books as you can.
  33. When making a healthy dinner, make extra so you have healthy left overs for lunch the next day.
  34. Count your blessing – even in the darkest days -force yourself to count your blessings. 
  35. When things seem overwhelming – get still and assume the best. 
  36. Spend as much time as you can with your family. 
  37. Spend as much time as you can with your friends. 
  38. Do what you love – do what makes you lose track of time. 
  39. De-clutter your closet 2-3x per year. 
  40. De-clutter your fridge every month. 
  41. Don’t smoke. 
  42. If you overindulge or overeat – do not beat yourself up- just get back to healthy eating the next day. 
  43. Do not be nervous to get hungry – getting in touch with your hunger signals is important. 
  44. Keep the 80-20 rule in mind -eat healthy 80 percent of the time and allow yourself some treats 20 percent of the time. 
  45. Pay attention to your GI health – you should be having one healthy bowel movement per day. 
  46. Eat your greens! Kale, spinach, broccoli – as much as you can. 
  47. Focus on quality sleep. Research shows even one night of poor sleep can lower your immune response (sleep in a dark room with a great sleep mask!). 
  48. Have as many plants in your house as possible -they help clean the air. 
  49. Do not use chemical air fresheners -use essential oils instead. I love Saje essential oils.
  50. Be proud of who you are and how far you have come – you….are amazing. Xo 

For more information on healthy aging in peri menopause or menopause – check out my 4 week on line course – Dr. Joey’s Menopause Makeover. Meal plans, recipes, modules, videos, live chats and more!

  1. Leeann brown says:

    I am going to print this out and put it on my fridge for my whole family to see and read!! Thank you for this!! You are the best!!

  2. Ana says:

    Excellent list and such great suggestions for all of us to live by. Thank you for taking the time to share all this. So appreciative. Congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for a great new birthday year ahead.

  3. Lynn Lasak says:

    Amazing thank you! Approaching 50 with a chronic illness, I wish I had this knowledge at 30. But when we know better … we do better … right Joey????
    Love your segments on Cityline!

  4. What a fantastic list to read! We are the same age Dr. Joey and this valuable information is my bible! Thank you for taking the time to share! Do you anticipate any travels to cities sharing this in person? I would love to find a venue for you here in Guelph!
    Happy birthday and hoping your trip around the sun again is full of love, laughter and best health! Xo

  5. Brenda Friederici says:

    Happy Birthday Dr. Joey and thank you for the excellent list of things to do for good health and happiness. Wishing you all the Best.

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