It’s that time of year again! With the holiday parties beginning, our well intentioned health and nutrition goals can often fall by the wayside. While it is common to gain a few pounds over the holiday season or on vacation, there are definite steps you can take to stay on track. The goal is to embrace all that this festive season has to offer, while still honouring your personal health goals.
Let’s examine the most common reasons we tend overeat over the holiday season. They are;
- Mindless eating and overindulging on calorie-dense foods
- Stress eating
- Lack of physical activity
- Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol
- Social pressures
- Disruptions to your normal routine
Whether you are on a weight loss journey or a weight maintenance program over the holidays -here are a few tips that can help you feel your best. Remember, my goal is to always help you balance your blood sugars, reduce inflammation and improve gut health at any time of the year!
1. To balance blood sugars – match your grains with a protein
Refined grains are widely available over the holiday season. In order to stabilize your blood sugars and keep insulin regulated (your fat storage hormone) – match your grains with a protein. This helps slow the rate of sugar entering the bloodstream to keep blood sugars steady and prevent blood sugar spikes. For example, if you are having bread, match with chicken. If you are having a wrap, match with turkey. Proteins act as the “brake” to slow down blood sugar spikes and will keep you full. As an alternative, you can always drop grain and stick to starchier vegetables such as sweet potatoes which are a whole food and have less impact on your blood sugars.

2. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help control appetite and prevent overeating. Aim for at least eight glasses daily, and consider drinking a glass of water before meals to help you feel fuller. Staying hydrated will also improve energy and digestion which is crucial during the busy holiday season. Ditch the plastic water bottles and drink from a stainless steel or glass bottle.

3. Support your gut
Your microbiome and gut health is intimately linked to your hormones and weight loss. Support your gut over the holiday season by incorporating a probiotic supplement daily, practicing a short window of intermittent fasting when you can (12-14 hours per day) and adding enough fibre to your diet. I recommend taking a minimum of 1-2 tbsp. of ground flaxseeds per day.

4. Honour your food sensitivities
If you are sensitive to gluten or dairy, eating “off” will likely be followed by a “food hangover” (i.e. puffy eyes, joint pain, gut issues, bloating). Before you dive on in, make sure you are certain the short term pleasure of eating foods your body does not like is actually worth it. There are always substitution you can find. It is also best to plan ahead prior to going to any party.

5. Stay active
Staying active is essential during the holiday season when calorie intake often increases. Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, such as brisk walks or family activities that keep everyone moving. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily to help offset extra holiday calories

6. Limit Alcohol intake
Alcohol can be high in calories, bounces blood sugars and may lower your inhibitions regarding food choices. If you choose to drink, opt for lower-calorie options like clear spirits mixed with soda water, and limit sugary cocktails.
7. Get quality sleep and rest
Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, as lack of sleep can lead to increased cravings and poor decision-making regarding food choices. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule and prioritize rest to support your overall health during the holidays.

By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy the festive season while keeping your health goals in check. Balancing indulgence with mindful practices ensures that the holidays remain a time of joy without compromising your well-being.
If you are looking to get a jump start on your health prior to the holidays or in the New Year -I want to hear from you. I have helped thousands achieve their goal weight and would love to help you. All you have to do is book in for a free health and weight loss assessment at Shulman Health and Weight Loss- Ontario’s #1 holistic weight loss centres by clicking here. I look forward to meeting you!
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